计算机图形学(九)Radiosity & Ray Tracing

计算机图形学(九)Radiosity & Ray Tracing


1. Radiosity History

  • In about 1950, Radiosity methods in the engineering field of heat transfer.
  • In 1984, Radiosity rendering in computer graphics by Goral et al. of Cornell University. (Cornell Box)
  • Lightscape – Notable commercial radiosity engine
  • Radiosity vs. Ray Tracing
    • Ray tracing is computed in image-space
      • if the camera is moved, we have to start over
      • Can transmit the reflection, refraction and shadow
    • Radiosity is computed in object-space
      • View-independent to allow interactive walkthroughs in the scene
      • Can transmit the diffuse interreflection

2. What is Radiosity?

  • Concept
    • describes an equilibrium energy balance(平衡能量) within an enclosure based on the theory of thermal radiation
    • relies on computing the amount of light energy transferred among surfaces
    • The surfaces are each divided up into one or more smaller surfaces (patches)
    • All scattering on the patches is diffuse interreflections and soft shadows for rendering
    • For computing how well the patches can see each other, we have coefficients called form factors
  • Radiosity Computing
    • The radiosity energy is in the form of visible light
    • By computing from the geometric orientation (form factor) of two patches, we solve the radiosity of each patch by radiosity equations
    • Solve radiosity equations as a matrix problem and it is a linear system
    • Progressive radiosity solves the system iteratively by the several passes
  • Features of Radiosity
    • For rendering a static scene (no add or modify the objects)
    • Can simulate the lighting of the scene with time-lapse
    • Can ramble in the scene by moving view with whole direction other than BSP with the z direction
  • Processing of Radiosity

09-01 Process of Radiosity

3. Radiosity Algorithm

  • Radiosity Equation
    • Calculating the flux L for each patch as the following rendering equation, which consists of two parts
    • $L(x’,w’)=E(x’,w’)+\int_{\rho_x’}(w,w’)L(x,w)G(x,x’)V(x,x’)dA$
    • emitted radiance from a point x’: E is non-zero only if x’ is emissive (a light source)
    • Sum of the incident energy which is the contribution from all of the other patches in the scene
      • diffuse coefficient at the point x ‘ from the direction ω to the direction ω ‘
      • gathering the radiance at point x in the direction ω
      • visibility between $x$ and $x’$: $G(x,x’)=\frac{\cos\theta\cos\theta’}{\pi\cdot||x-x’||^2}dA$

4. Calculate Form Factors

  • Stages in a Radiosity Solution

    09-02 Stage

  • Form factor

    • $F_{ji}(x,x’)=\frac{\cos\theta\cos\theta’}{\pi\cdot r^2}V(x,x’)dA$
  • Hemicube Algorithm

5. Computing Radiosity Equation

  • Method
    • Gauss-Siedel method, to iterate radiosity for the patch gethering from other patches
    • Southwell method, to iterate radiosity for the patch shooting “unshot” radiosity to other patches
    • Cohen[1988] restructured the Southwell algorithm by progressive refinement
  • Ambient
    • When iterating in the beginning steps, some patches are dark. Ambient radiosity term is used only during rendering, not to obtain radiosity solution.
    • As the radiosity solution progresses, the ambient contribution must approach zero

6. Advanced Radiosity

  • Adaptive Subdivision
    • Reducing the number of patches
    • Patches are subdivided only is large gradients occur
    • The receiving patch are subdivided adaptively as elements but not shooting patch
  • Discontinuity Meshing
    • Limits of umbra and penumbra
      • Captures nice shadow boundaries
      • Complex geometric computation
      • The mesh is getting complex
  • Hierarchical Radiosity
    • Group elements when the light exchange is not important
      • Breaks the quadratic complexity
      • Control non trivial, memory cost

Ray Tracing

1. What is Ray Tracing?

  • Ray Tracing History
    • Ray Casting: Appel, 1968
    • CSG and quadrics: Goldstein & Nagel 1971
    • Recursive Ray Tracing: Whitted, 1980
  • Local Illumination Model
    • All lights come from light sources defined within the scene
  • Global illumination
    • not only light ray which comes directly from a light source (direct illumination)
    • but also light rays from the same source which are reflected by other surfaces in the scene (indirect illumination)
  • Global Illumination: Ray Tracing
    • Characteristics
      • Generates shadows
      • generates mirror image – reflection ray
      • generates transparency – refraction ray

2. Ray Casting and Shadows

  • Ray Casting
    • In real life, a light ray shoots out from a source, hits a surface, then is reflected, and finally entered our eyes
    • In ray casting, a ray is generated from the eye point through each pixel on a “virtual screen” of view volume
    • Very easy to remove hidden surfaces
    • Easy to generate shadows
  • Ray Casting Algorithm
    • For each ray, to find the closest object blocking the path of that ray
    • Compute the pixel color of the object
    • Can determine the shadow of the object, whether or not the light will reach that surface
  • What is Shadows
    • Shadow areas:
      • to be seen from the view position
      • not to be seen from light source position
    • Two types
      • Light sources that extend over an area (area light sources) should cast soft-edged shadows
        • Some points see all the light - fully illuminated
        • Some points see none of the light source - the umbra
        • Some points see part of the light source - the penumbra
      • Point light source generates only the umbra shadow
      • To trace area light sources, cast multiple shadow rays
        • Each one to a different point on the light source
        • Weigh illumination by the number that get through
  • Ray Casting / Scan-Conversion Similarities
    • Ray-Casting (E,P):
      • For each ray(E,P) in all pixel P do
        • For each triangle T projecting over P do
          • Decide if the triangle is visible(is the closest object))
          • Decide if the triangle faces to a light(shadow?)
          • Compute reflected color and store in the pixel
    • Scan-conversion:
      • For each pixel P covered by the projection of T do
        • Decide if the triangle is visible
        • Compute reflected color and store in the pixel

3. Ray Tracing

  • Whitted’s Ray Tracing Algorithm
    • 3 parts
      • Local illumination or shadow at S
      • Reflected illumination $I_s$ in the direction $R$
      • Refractive illumination $I_t$ in the direction $T$ if $S$ is transparent
    • $I=(L_0+\sum_{lights}L_A)C_A+\sum_{lights}L_D*C_D(L\cdot N)+\sum_{lights}L_S*C_S(E\cdot(L-2(N(N\cdot L))))^K+C_SI_S+C_tI_t$
  • Ray Tree
    • 左边反射,右边折射
  • Stopping Criteria of Algorithm
    • Recursion depth
      • Stop after a number of bounces
    • Ray Contribution
      • Stop if transparency/transmitted attenuation becomes too small
    • Usually ao both

4. Advance in Ray Tracing

  • Speeding up Ray Tracing
    • Hierarchy of scene and Bounding boxes
    • Spatial Partitioning
  • Advantage:
    • More Realistic by tracing the rays from light sources and opaque
    • More Realistic: shadow and refraction
  • Disadvantage:
    • Complex on intersection computing
    • Super-realistic on reflection of specular transmitted by bright surfaces
    • Not trace the diffuse rays in the scene

09-03 Exercise

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