计算机图形学(六)From Vertices to Fragments

计算机图形学(六)From Vertices to Fragments

0. 引入

  • Moeling Pipeline

    06-01 Modeling Pipeline

  • Rendering Pipeline

    06-02 Rendering Pipeline

  • OpengGL

    • OpenGL 4.5
      • Direct State Access, DSA
        • object accessors enable state to be queried and modified without binding objects to contexts, for increased application and middleware efficiency and flexibility;
      • Flush Control
        • applications can control flushing of pending commands before context switching – enabling high-performance multithreaded applications;
      • Robustness
      • OpenGL ES 3.1 API and shader compatibility
      • DX11 emulation feature
    • OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile

    06-03 OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile

    • OpenGL Fundamentals
    • OpenGL Objects Model

1. Clipping: line, polygon

  • Cohen-Sutherland线段剪裁算法

    • Two steps:

      • 判断线段是否需要裁剪
      • 裁剪线段
    • Cases:

      • Case1: both endpoints of line segment inside all four lines
        • Draw
      • Case 2: both endpoiints outside all lines and on same side of a line
        • Discard
      • Case 3: one endpoint inside, one outside
        • Must do at least one intersection
      • Case4: both outside
        • May have part inside
        • must do at least one intersection
    • Outcodes

      • Outcodes:

        • XXXX – TBRL

          1001 1000 1010
          0001 0000 0010
          0101 0100 0110
      • 例子:

        • l1: code1=0000; code2=0000
        • l2: code1=0100; code2=0110
    • 算法:

      1. 线段完全保留:

        if (code1==0&&code2==0) or (code1|code2)==0

      2. 线段完全放弃:

        if ((code1&code2)<>0)

      3. 剪裁线段:

        else computing intersection

        Reexecute algorithm

    • Efficiency

      • In many applications, the clipping window is small relative to the size of the entire data base
      • Inefficiency when code has to be reexecuted for line segments that must be shortened in more than one step
    • Cohen Sutherland in 3D

      • 6-bit outcode 前后上下右左
  • 梁友栋-Barsky线段剪裁算法

    • 算法描述:

      • 线段$(s_1,s_2)$的参数方程:
        \ \ \ \ \ 0\le t\le1

      • 始边和终边:

        • 始边:靠近$s_1$的窗边界线,如$xL$, $yB$
        • 终边:靠近$s_2$的窗边界线,如$xR$, $yT$
      • $t_1$, $t_2$

        • $t_1=\max{t_1’,t_1’’,0}$,$t_1’$,$t_1’’$为$s_1$,$s_2$与两个始边的焦点参数

        • $t_2=\min{t_2’,t_2’’,1}$,$t_2’$,$t_2’’$为$s_1$,$s_2$与两个终边的焦点参数

        • 当$t_1<t_2$时,为可见直线段:
          \ \ \ \ t_1<t<t_2

        • 当$t_1>t_2$时,直线不可见

      • 求解$t_1’$, $t_1’’ $, $t_2’$, $t_2’’$ :
        xL\le(x_2-x_1)t+x_1\le xR\
        t+y_1\le yT

        • 简化求解为:$t*p_k\le q_k$, $k=1,2,3,4$
          • $p_1=-(x_2-x_1)$, $q_1=x_1-xL$
          • $p_2=(x_2-x_1)$, $q_2=xR-x_1$
          • $p_3=-(y_2-y_1)$, $q_3=y1-yB$
          • $p_4=(y_2-y_1)$, $q_4=yT-y1$
      • 可知:

        • 若$p_k<0$,则$t_k$为始边之交点参数
        • 若$p_k>0$,则$t_k$为终边之交点参数
        • 若$p_k=0$,当$q_k<0$,则线段完全不可见
    • 优点

      • Can accept/reject as easily as with Cohen- Sutherland
      • Using values of t, we do not have to use algorithm recursively as with C-S. 不用对线段进行多次剪裁处理,从而避免了剪裁算法的多次重复执行。
      • Extends to 3D
  • Polygon Fill-Area Clipping

    • Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon Clipping:

      • 思想:用四个窗边界线依次剪裁多边形的所有边

      • 算法:

        for (窗边界线: 1 to 4){

        ​ for (多边形的边界线: 1 to n)

        ​ 求输出顶点;

        ​ 得到一个剪裁后的顶点序列



  • Clipping and Normalization

    • General clipping in 3D requires intersection of line segments against arbitrary plane
    • Example: oblique view

2. Rasterization: Scan Conversion

  • Rasterization 光栅化

    • Process:
      • Modeling, Geometric processing, Rasterization, Fragment Processing, Frame Buffer
    • Rasterization (scan conversion)
      • Determine which pixels that are inside primitive - specified by a set of vertices
      • Produces a set of fragments
      • Fragments have a location (pixel location) and other attributes such color and texture coordinates that are determined by interpolating values at vertices
    • Pixels colors determined later using color, texture, normal and other vertex properties
    • Drawing edges
  • Scan Conversion for Line – DDA Algorithm

    • DDA Algorithm, Digital Differential Analyzer
    • Line equation: $y=m*x+b$
      • While, $|m|\le1$
        • If $x_1<x_2$, then $x_{i+1}=x_i+1$, $y_{i+1}=y_i+m$
        • If $x_1>x_2$, then $x_{i+1}=x_i-1$, $y_{i+1}=y_i-m$
      • While, $|m|>1$
        • If $y_1<y_2$, then $y_{i+1}=y_i+1$, $x_{i+1}=x_i+1/m$
        • If $y_1>y_2$, then $y_{i+1}=y_i-1$, $x_{i+1}=x_i-1/m$
    • 0.5*sign(dx)0.5sign(dy)
  • Scan Conversion for Line – Bresenham Algorithm

    • 算法:

    &p_1=2\Delta y-\Delta x\
    \begin{aligned}&y_i+1,\ \ if\ p_i>0\
    &y_i,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ if\ p_i\le0\end{aligned}
    (\Delta y-\Delta x),\ \ if\ p_i>0\
    &p_i+2*\Delta y,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ if\ p_i\le0\end{aligned}

  • Scan Conversion for Polygon

    06-04 Scan Conversion for Polygon

    • First find out the scanlines that intercept with the polygon. Calculate the overlapping segments
    • For each scanline from top to bottom, set the pixels in the segment
    • Fragment: pixels on the scene line
      • 两步:
        • 求交:计算扫描线与多边形三个边的交点
        • 排序:把所有的交点按x坐标递增来排序
      • 特殊情况,扫描线与多边形顶点相交:
        • 顶点是极值点,算两个交点
        • 不是极值点,算一个

3. Hiden-Surface Removal

  • The z-Buffer Algorithm
    • Depth Buffer same as Frame Buffer
    • saving the distance of the closest intersection
  • The Painter’s Algorithm
    • Rendering from back to front of the polygons
    • depth sort for all polygons
    • dividing the polygon into two parts

4. Antianliasing 反走样

  • The jaggies(锯齿) appeared in the drawings of lines is called aliasing(走样). It is due to the approximation of a continuous line with discrete pixels.
  • Antiliasing Computing
    • First computing the overlapping proportions of the lines and the nearby pixel squares. Suppose that the overlapping proportion of a certain pixel is $\alpha$, the new $pixel_color$ is then set to $\alpha\times current_color+(1-\alpha)\times existing_color$
  • Line Antianliasing
    • glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH)glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH)
  • Polygon Antianliasing
  • Polygon Aliasing
    • problems can be serious for polygons
      • Small polygons neglected
      • Color of pixel depends on colors of multi-polygons

5. Color Model – The Human Visual System

  • eyes

    • Rods – sense luminance or brightness
    • Cones – sense chroma or color
  • 颜色三要素

    • 色调(hue, chroma):颜色的类别,对应光谱分布中的主波长
    • 饱和度(Saturation):所呈现颜色的深浅或纯洁程度,饱和度越高,颜色越深;饱和度越小,颜色越浅。100%饱和度的色光就代表完全没有混入白光的纯色光。
    • 明亮度(luminance):光作用于人眼时引起的明亮程度的感觉。
    • 人眼能分辨128种不同色调,10-30种不同饱和度,对亮度很敏感,35万种颜色
  • 颜色模型

    • RGB – cube for screen
      • CMY: Cyan(0,1,1); Magenta(1,0,1); Yellow(1,1,0)
      • $Luminance = 0.30red+0.59green+0.11*blue$
      • The grayscale conversion is computer-based, not visually-based; is it right? (Not right)
    • CMYK – cube for printer
    • HSV – cone for artist
      • Hue(angle) - Saturation(radius) - Value(height)
    • HLS – double cone for artist on painting
      • Hue(angle) - Lightness(height) - Saturation(radius)
  • Emissive vs Transmissive Colors

    • emissive colors are from screen

    • transmissive colors are from inks

    • RGB emissive model - additive colors

    • CMYK transmissive model -subtractive colors

    • $$
      \begin{pmatrix}C\M\Y\end{pmatrix} =
      \begin{pmatrix}1\1\1\end{pmatrix} -