计算机图形学(二)Graphics Programming

计算机图形学(二)Graphics Programming

1. OpenGL Evolution

  • start

    • Silicon Graphics (SGI)revolutionized the graphics workstation by implementing the pipeline in hardware(1982).
    • The success of GL lead to OpenGL(1992), a platform-independent API.
  • Modern OpenGL

    • 流程图

      graph LR
        A[Vertices]-->B[Vertex prcessor]-->C[Clipper and primitive assembler]-->D[Rasterizer]-->E[Fragment processor]-->Pixel
    • Shaders: control GPU through programs

    • GPU does all rendering

  • OpenGL 3.1

    • Totally shader-based
    • No immediate mode
      • 立即绘制(immediate mode) & 延迟绘制(retained mode)
  • Direct X

    • windows only
    • Advantages
      • Better control of resources
      • Access to high level functionality
    • Disadvantages
      • New versions not backward compatible
      • Windows only

2. OpenGL Libraries

  • OpenGL core library
  • OpenGL Utility Library (GLU)
    • Provides functionality in OpenGL core but avoids having to rewrite code
  • OpenGL Utility Toolkit(GLUT)
    • Provides functionality common to all window systems
    • Code is portable but GLUT lacks the functionality of a good toolkit for a specific platform
  • FreeGLUT
  • GLEW

3. OpenGL Introduction

  • OpenGL Function

    • 图元函数 Primitives:定义了系统可以显示的低级对象或最基本的实体(如Points, Line Segments, Triangles)

    • 属性函数 Attribue:如图形颜色信息,光源属性,材质属性

    • 变换函数 Transformations:

      • Viewing 观察函数:定义各种视图
      • Modeling 模型函数
    • 控制函数 Control(GLUT):与窗口系统通信

    • 查询函数 Query:如照相机的参数或者帧缓存中的值

    • 函数命名格式:

      Lib name:gl, glu, glut, glew + Command name + {dimension: 2,3,4} + {parameter data type: sifdb(wb)} + {array identification: v} (parameter)

      如 glUniform3f(x,y,z)

  • OpenGL State

    • OpenGL is a state machine
      • 状态机,即一个包含有限状态机的黑盒子
    • OpenGL functions are of two types
      • Primitive generating:定义图元
      • State changing:改变机器内部的状态或者返回状态信息
  • Lack of Object Orientation

  • GLSL :OpenGL Shaing Language

    • Vertex Data
    • Vertex Shader
    • Tessellation Control Shader
    • Tessellation Evalution Shader
    • Geometry Shader
    • Primitive Setup
    • Clipping
    • Rasterization
    • Fragment Shader

4. A Simple Program

  • Display, init, glutMainLoop

5. OpenGL Primitives

  • OpenGL will only display triangles
    • Simple: 线没有交叉
    • Convex 凸性:多边形任意两点连线上的点仍然在多边形内部
    • Flat: 所有的点在相同的平面

6. OpenGL Shaders Programming

  • 流程

    • Vertex processing:计算每个顶点的颜色
    • Clipping and primitive assembly:剪裁,图元计算
    • Rasterization:光栅化,将图元转换为像素点
    • Fragment Processing:计算每个像素点的颜色
  • Vertex Array Object(VAO)

    • 绑定所有顶点数据(位置,颜色等)
    • glBindVertexArray:和VBO能够交互
  • Vertex Buffer Object (VBO)

    • Buffers objects allow us to transfer large amount of data to the GPU

    • Need to create, bind and identify data

      glGenBuffers(NumBuffers, Buffers);
      glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, Buffers[ArrayBuffer]);
      glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFFER, sizeof(vertices), vertices);
  • 执行模型图

    • 顶点着色

      02-02 顶点着色过程

    • 片元着色

      02-03 片元着色

7. 2D Sierpinski gasket

计算机图形学(三)Geometric Objects and Transformations 计算机图形学(三)Geometric Objects and Transformations
计算机图形学(三)Geometric Objects and Transformations1. Vector and Vector Operation Vectors 向量 加法 Addition:$(a_1,a_2,a_3)+(b_1,
计算机图形学(一)Graphics Systems and Models 计算机图形学(一)Graphics Systems and Models
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