计算机图形学(一)Graphics Systems and Models

计算机图形学(一)Graphics Systems and Models

课本:Iteractive Computer Graphics (sixth)

1. Applications Areas 应用领域

  • Showing photos, pictures
  • Presenting Information
  • Animation 仿真和动画
  • GUI 用户界面
    • CAD, Computer Aided Design

2. What is Computer Graphics?

  • Relative Disciplines

    • Image Processing – 2D
    • Pattern Recognize – picture
    • Computer Graphics – 3D
    • Geometry Computing
    graph LR;
      A[Image]--Pattern Recognize-->B[Data and Geometry Model];
      B--Computer Graphics-->A;
      A--Image Processing-->A;
      B--Geometry Computing-->B;
  • Graphics System

    • 六个元素:

      • 输入设备(input Device)
      • 中央处理单元(CPU)
      • 图形处理单元(GPU):Graphics Cards
        • Operating geometry data: vector, matrix, normal product
        • Rasterization Processing
        • Shader Language for programming
        • With graphics memory – Frame Buffer
      • 存储器(Memory)
      • 帧缓存(Frame Buffer):Screen
      • 输出设备(Output Device)
    • 结构:

      01-02 图形系统结构

  • 一些术语

    • 像素(pixel):Picture Element
    • 光栅(raster):像素阵列
    • 帧缓存(frame buffer):存储像素的存储区域
    • 分辨率(resolution):帧缓存中像素的数目,决定了从图像中可以分辨出多少细节。
    • 帧缓存的深度(depth)或精度(precision):每个像素所用的比特数,决定了可以表示多少颜色之类的性质。全彩色,24个比特(或更多);真彩色,RGB;高动态范围(HDR)系统,每种原色12或更多的比特数。
    • 光栅化(rasterization)或扫描转换(scan conversion):从几何实体到帧缓存中像素的颜色和位置的转换。

3. History

  • 1960s, Sketchpad
  • 1970s, Raster Graphics
  • 1980s, Computer Graphics, Realism
  • 1990s, OpenGL API
  • 2000-, Photorealism, Graphics Cards, Game, Movie, Programmable Pipelines

4. The Graphics Pipeline

  • 计算机图形学的两个阶段:

    • Modeling 从几何模型到屏幕空间
    • 在屏幕空间创建目标图像
  • 图形流水线的两个部分:

    • Modeling Pipeline
    • Rendering Pipeline
  • Modeling Pipeline

    • 流水线体系结构

    01-03 Modeling Pipeline

    • Projection:透视 Perspective,梯形;正则 Orthographic,长方体
  • Rendering Pipeline**

    • 渲染流水线

    01-04 渲染流水线

    • Vertices Shader, Primitives, Rasterization, Fragments Shader, Pixels(Frame Buffer)
    • 顶点处理(坐标变换和计算每个顶点的颜色值)、剪裁和图元组装、光栅化、片元处理(更新帧缓存中的像素)

5. Image Formation

  • 元素:Objects, Viewer, Light sources, 材质信息
  • Imaging System
    • Cameras
    • Microscopes
    • Telescopes
    • Human Visual System
    • 3D film

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